Lecture 20¶
Root finding in one dimension¶
Recall that a root of a function $f(x)$ is a value $x_0$ such that $f(x_0)=0$.
Assuming $f:\mathbb R \to \mathbb R$ is continuous, you can tell that an interval $[a, b]$ contains at least one root by checking that the sign of $f(a)$ is distinct from the sign of $f(b)$ (e.g., if $f(a)>0$ and $f(b) < 0$). This is the implicit function theorem.
In this case, we can nest down to a root by bisecting the interval and checking the sign of the midpoint.
Sage has a built in function sgn(x)
which returns $1$ if $x>0$, $0$ if $x=0$, and $-1$ if $x<0$.
Take the function $f(x)=x^2 - \cos x$. We can see that $f(0)=-1$ and $f(1)=1-\cos(1) < 0$.
def bisection_method(f, a, b, n):
Apply the bisection method n-times to narrow down to a root in (a,b).
We return the pair (a', b') representing the interval obtained by the
process. If it happens we stumble on a root by bisection, we return
(r, r) where r is the root.
a_sgn = sgn(f(a))
if a_sgn == 0:
return (a,a)
b_sgn = sgn(f(b))
if b_sgn == 0:
return (b,b)
if a_sgn == b_sgn:
raise ValueError('The signs at the end points have the same sign.')
for i in range(n):
c = (a+b)/2
c_sgn = sgn(f(c))
if c_sgn == a_sgn:
a = c
elif c_sgn == b_sgn:
b = c
# c_sgn = 0
return (c, c)
return (a, b)
f(x) = x^2 - cos(x)
plt1 = plot(f, (0,1), figsize=4)
(a,b) = bisection_method(f, 0, 1, 5)
print(f'({a}, {b}) = ({a.n()}, {b.n()})')
plt2 = plot(f, (a, b), figsize=4, color='red')
plt1 + plt2
(13/16, 27/32) = (0.812500000000000, 0.843750000000000)
g(x) = x^2 - cos(30*x)
plt1 = plot(g, (0,1), figsize=4)
def show_bisection(n=input_box(default=1)):
(a,b) = bisection_method(g, 0, 1, n)
print(f'({a}, {b}) = ({a.n()}, {b.n()})')
plt2 = plot(g, (a, b), figsize=4, color='red')
return plt1 + plt2
Interactive function <function show_bisection at 0x7f47c8657ce0> with 1 widget n: EvalText(value='1', description='n', layout=Layout(max_width='81em'))
False position¶
Rather than the center point, we guess that the zero should be near where the lines segment between $\big(a, f(a)\big)$ and $\big(b, f(b)\big)$ crosses the line $y=0$. It does so at the point where $$x = a - f(a) \frac{b - a}{f(b)-f(a)} = \frac{a f(b) - b f(a)}{f(b)-f(a)}.$$
def false_position_method(f, a, b, n, plot=False):
Apply the false position method n-times to narrow down to a root in (a,b).
We return the pair (a', b') representing the interval obtained by the
process. If it happens we stumble on a root by bisection, we return
(r, r) where r is the root.
# We used plot as a keyword argument
from sage.plot.plot import plot as sage_plot
a_sgn = sgn(f(a))
if a_sgn == 0:
return (a,a)
b_sgn = sgn(f(b))
if b_sgn == 0:
return (b,b)
if a_sgn == b_sgn:
print(f'a={a} a_sgn={a_sgn} b={b} b_sgn={b_sgn}')
raise ValueError(f'The signs at the end points have the same sign.')
if plot:
plt = sage_plot(f, (a, b), figsize=4)
for i in range(n):
if plot:
plt += line2d([(a, f(a)), (b,f(b))], color='green')
c = (a*f(b)-b*f(a)) / (f(b)-f(a))
c_sgn = sgn(f(c))
if c_sgn == a_sgn:
a = c
elif c_sgn == b_sgn:
b = c
# c_sgn = 0
if plot:
return (c, c)
if plot:
plt += sage_plot(f, (a, b), color='red')
return (a, b)
f(x) = tan(x) - 3
def false_pos_demo(n=input_box(default=1)):
a,b = false_position_method(f, 0, 1.5, n, plot=True)
print(f'({a}, {b}) = ({a.n()}, {b.n()})')
Interactive function <function false_pos_demo at 0x7f47c8448360> with 1 widget n: EvalText(value='1', description='n', layout=Layout(max_width='81em'))
f(x) = tan(x) - 3
bisection = []
false_position = []
R = RealField(4*53)
for n in range(2, 60, 2):
(a,b) = bisection_method(f, 0, R(1.5), n)
bisection.append((n, b-a))
(a,b) = false_position_method(f, 0, R(1.5), n)
false_position.append((n, b-a))
line2d(bisection, legend_label='bisection', figsize=4, scale='semilogy') + \
line2d(false_position, legend_label='false pos.', color='green')
f(x) = tan(x) - 3
def g(x):
return RDF(sgn(f(x)) * abs(f(x))^(1/3))
plot(f,(0,1.5)) + plot(g,(0,1.5), color='green')
def false_pos_demo(n=input_box(default=1)):
a,b = false_position_method(g, 0, 1.5, n, plot=True)
print(f'({a}, {b}) = ({a.n()}, {b.n()})')
Interactive function <function false_pos_demo at 0x7f47c84200e0> with 1 widget n: EvalText(value='1', description='n', layout=Layout(max_width='81em'))
R = RealField(10*53)
f(x) = tan(x) - 3
def g(x):
return R(sgn(f(x)) * abs(f(x))^(1/3))
bisection = []
false_position = []
for n in range(2, 60, 2):
(a,b) = bisection_method(f, 0, R(1.5), n)
bisection.append((n, b-a))
(a,b) = false_position_method(g, 0, R(1.5), n)
false_position.append((n, b-a))
line2d(bisection, legend_label='bisection', figsize=4, scale='semilogy') + \
line2d(false_position, legend_label='false pos.', color='green')
A random method¶
A Mobius transformation is a map of the form $$z \mapsto \frac{az+b}{cz+d}.$$ Given any pair of three points $(x_0, x_1, x_2), (y_0, y_1, y_2) \in \mathbb R^3$, there is a unique Mobius transformation sending $x_i \mapsto y_i$ for each $i$. We compute this below:
var('a b c d')
mob(z) = (a*z+b)/(c*z+d)
var('a b c d')
x = var([f'x_{i}' for i in range(3)])
y = var([f'y_{i}' for i in range(3)])
x, y
((x_0, x_1, x_2), (y_0, y_1, y_2))
eqns = [mob(x[i]) == y[i] for i in range(3)]
[(a*x_0 + b)/(c*x_0 + d) == y_0, (a*x_1 + b)/(c*x_1 + d) == y_1, (a*x_2 + b)/(c*x_2 + d) == y_2]
sol = solve(eqns,[a,b,c], solution_dict=True)[0]
{a: ((x_1*y_2 - x_2*y_2)*d*y_1 + (d*x_0*(y_1 - y_2) - (x_1*y_1 - x_2*y_2)*d)*y_0)/(x_0*(x_1 - x_2)*y_0 + x_1*x_2*y_1 - x_1*x_2*y_2 - (x_1*y_1 - x_2*y_2)*x_0), b: -((x_1*y_2 - x_2*y_2)*d*x_0*y_1 + ((x_2*y_1 - x_1*y_2)*d*x_0 - (x_1*x_2*y_1 - x_1*x_2*y_2)*d)*y_0)/(x_0*(x_1 - x_2)*y_0 + x_1*x_2*y_1 - x_1*x_2*y_2 - (x_1*y_1 - x_2*y_2)*x_0), c: -(d*(x_1 - x_2)*y_0 - d*x_0*(y_1 - y_2) + (x_2*y_1 - x_1*y_2)*d)/(x_0*(x_1 - x_2)*y_0 + x_1*x_2*y_1 - x_1*x_2*y_2 - (x_1*y_1 - x_2*y_2)*x_0)}
mob = mob.subs(sol).full_simplify().factor()
a = mob.numerator().coefficient(z)
x_0*y_0*y_1 - x_1*y_0*y_1 - x_0*y_0*y_2 + x_2*y_0*y_2 + x_1*y_1*y_2 - x_2*y_1*y_2
b = mob.numerator() - mob.numerator().coefficient(z)*z
-x_0*x_2*y_0*y_1 + x_1*x_2*y_0*y_1 + x_0*x_1*y_0*y_2 - x_1*x_2*y_0*y_2 - x_0*x_1*y_1*y_2 + x_0*x_2*y_1*y_2
c = mob.denominator().coefficient(z)
-x_1*y_0 + x_2*y_0 + x_0*y_1 - x_2*y_1 - x_0*y_2 + x_1*y_2
d = mob.denominator() - mob.denominator().coefficient(z)*z
x_0*x_1*y_0 - x_0*x_2*y_0 - x_0*x_1*y_1 + x_1*x_2*y_1 + x_0*x_2*y_2 - x_1*x_2*y_2
def mobius(x,y):
x_0, x_1, x_2 = x
y_0, y_1, y_2 = y
a = x_0*y_0*y_1 - x_1*y_0*y_1 - x_0*y_0*y_2 + x_2*y_0*y_2 + x_1*y_1*y_2 - x_2*y_1*y_2
b = -x_0*x_2*y_0*y_1 + x_1*x_2*y_0*y_1 + x_0*x_1*y_0*y_2 - x_1*x_2*y_0*y_2 - x_0*x_1*y_1*y_2 + x_0*x_2*y_1*y_2
c = -x_1*y_0 + x_2*y_0 + x_0*y_1 - x_2*y_1 - x_0*y_2 + x_1*y_2
d = x_0*x_1*y_0 - x_0*x_2*y_0 - x_0*x_1*y_1 + x_1*x_2*y_1 + x_0*x_2*y_2 - x_1*x_2*y_2
def mob(z):
return (a*z+b)/(c*z+d)
return mob
mob = mobius((0,1/2,1),(0,1/3,1))
plot(mob, (0,1))
def random_false_position_method(f, a, b, n, plot=False):
Apply the false position method n-times to narrow down to a root in (a,b).
We return the pair (a', b') representing the interval obtained by the
process. If it happens we stumble on a root by bisection, we return
(r, r) where r is the root.
# We used plot as a keyword argument
from sage.plot.plot import plot as sage_plot
a_sgn = sgn(f(a))
if a_sgn == 0:
return (a,a)
b_sgn = sgn(f(b))
if b_sgn == 0:
return (b,b)
if a_sgn == b_sgn:
print(f'a={a} a_sgn={a_sgn} b={b} b_sgn={b_sgn}')
raise ValueError(f'The signs at the end points have the same sign.')
if plot:
plt = sage_plot(f, (a, b), figsize=4)
for i in range(n):
if plot:
plt += line2d([(a, f(a)), (b,f(b))], color='green')
c = (a*f(b)-b*f(a)) / (f(b)-f(a))
mob = mobius((-1,0,1),(a,c,b))
c = mob(R.random_element()^6)
c_sgn = sgn(f(c))
if c_sgn == a_sgn:
a = c
elif c_sgn == b_sgn:
b = c
# c_sgn = 0
if plot:
return (c, c)
if plot:
plt += sage_plot(f, (a, b), color='red')
return (a, b)
f(x) = tan(x) - 3
random_false_position_method(f, 0, 1.5, 1, plot=True)
(0, 1.39393435656245)
def _(n=input_box(default=1)):
a,b = random_false_position_method(g, 0, 1.5, n, plot=True)
print(f'({a}, {b}) = ({a.n()}, {b.n()})')
Interactive function <function _ at 0x7f47c8656a20> with 1 widget n: EvalText(value='1', description='n', layout=Layout(max_width='81em'))
R = RealField(10*53)
f(x) = tan(x) - 3
def g(x):
return R(sgn(f(x)) * abs(f(x))^(1/3))
bisection = []
false_position = []
random_fp = []
for n in range(2, 60, 2):
(a,b) = bisection_method(f, 0, R(1.5), n)
bisection.append((n, b-a))
(a,b) = false_position_method(f, 0, R(1.5), n)
false_position.append((n, b-a))
(a,b) = random_false_position_method(g, 0, R(1.5), n)
random_fp.append((n, b-a))
line2d(bisection, legend_label='bisection', figsize=4, scale='semilogy') + \
line2d(false_position, legend_label='false pos.', color='green') + \
line2d(random_fp, legend_label='random false pos.', color='red')
Newton's method¶
Given a function $f(x)$ with derivative $f'(x)$, the linear approximation at $x_0$ is the function $$L(x) = f(x_0) + f'(x_0) (x - x_0).$$ In Newton's method we start with a root $x_0$, then we approximate by the linear approximation and find the root of this linear map, taking that to be our next guess $x_1$ for the root. We have $$x_1 = x_0 -\frac{f(x_0)}{f'(x_0)}.$$
def newtons_method(f, x_0, n, df=None, plot=False):
if df is None:
df(x) = f(x).derivative()
if plot:
lines = []
points = [(x_0, f(x_0))]
old_x_0 = x_0
for i in range(n):
x_0 = x_0 - f(x_0)/df(x_0)
if plot:
lines.append([(x_0, 0), (old_x_0, f(old_x_0))])
points.append((x_0, f(x_0)))
old_x_0 = x_0
if plot:
from sage.plot.plot import plot as sage_plot
plt = point2d(points, color='red', size=20, figsize=4)
plt += sage_plot(f, color='blue', **plt.get_minmax_data())
for line in lines:
plt += line2d(line, thickness=1/2, color='black')
return x_0
f(x) = tan(x) - 3
x0 = newtons_method(f, 1.5, 10)
plot(f,(1, 3/2)) + point2d([(x0,f(x0))], size=20, color='red', figsize=4)
f(x) = e^x - 10
x0 = newtons_method(f, 1.0, 4, plot=True)
Demonstration of a problem with Newton's method: You need the derivative to be bounded at the fixed point.
# Cube root function:
f(x) = sgn(x) * abs(x)^(1/3)
newtons_method(f, 1, 5, plot=True)
Below is an example that seems to have slower convergence than the bisection method.
f(x) = 1 - e^(x^3)
df(x) = f.derivative(x)
newtons_method(lambda x:RDF(f(x)), 1, 10, df = lambda x:RDF(df(x)), plot=True)
bisection_method(f,-0.75, 1, 10)
(-0.00146484375000000, 0.000244140625000000)
Sturm's Theorem and polynomial roots¶
Sturm's theorem gives a formula for the number of roots of a polynomial $p(x)$ in the interval $(a,b]$. Let $d$ be the degree of $p$. We define a finite sequence of polnomials starting with $$q_0(x) = p(x) \quad \text{and} \quad q_1(x)=p'(x).$$ Then for $i \geq 1$, we inductively define $q_{i+1}$ to be the negation of the remainder of polynomial division of $q_{i-1}$ by $q_i$.
This defines polynomials $q_0, \ldots, q_d$.
In SageMath, the remainder of this division can be computed with %
PR.<x> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
p = PR(x^3 - 2*x^2 + 3*x - 4)
q_0 = p
print(f'q_0 = {q_0}')
q_1 = p.derivative()
print(f'q_1 = {q_1}')
q_2 = - (q_0 % q_1)
print(f'q_2 = {q_2}')
q_0 = x^3 - 2*x^2 + 3*x - 4 q_1 = 3*x^2 - 4*x + 3 q_2 = -10/9*x + 10/3
It is the (negative) remainder in the sense that if quotient = q_0 // q_1
then we have q_0 == quotient*q_1 - q_2
quotient = q_0 // q_1
q_0 == quotient*q_1 - q_2
Sturm's Theorem: Let $p$ be a non-zero polynomial and $[a,b]$ be an interval on which $p(a) \neq 0$ and $p(b) \neq 0$. If the polynomials $q_0, \ldots, q_d$ are defined as above, then the number of sign changes of the sequence $\big(q_0(a), \ldots, q_d(a)\big)$ minus the number of sign changes of $\big(q_0(b), \ldots, q_d(b)\big)$ is the number of roots (not counting multiplicity) of $p$ in the interval $(a,b]$.
The sign of a number $x$ is $-1$ if $x<0$, $0$ if $x=0$, and $1$ if $x>0$. Technically, a sign alternation in a sequence of signs $\{s_0, \ldots, s_d\}$ consists of a $k < \ell$ such that $s_k s_\ell = -1$ and $$s_j=0 \quad \text{when $k < j < \ell$.}$$
For a proof of this version, see
- Pébay, Philippe, J. Maurice Rojas, and David C. Thompson. "Sturm's Theorem with Endpoints." arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.07904 (2022).
Remark: Given $p(x)$ to get a polynomial with simple roots, then $$q(x) = \frac{p(x)}{\mathrm{gcd(p, p')}}$$ has the same roots but only a single copy of each one. (If $p$ has multiple roots at $x_0$, then there is a term in the factorization of the form $(x-x_0)^k$ with $k \geq 2$, and so the factorization of $p'$ has a term of the form $(x-x_0)^{k-1}$ and so the gcd also has a term of the form $(x-x_0)^{k-1}$ which will be removed when taking the quotient above.
p = PR(prod([(x-k)^k for k in range(1,6)]))
print(f'p = {p}')
q = p / gcd(p, p.derivative())
p = x^15 - 55*x^14 + 1400*x^13 - 21868*x^12 + 234290*x^11 - 1822678*x^10 + 10629552*x^9 - 47283632*x^8 + 161614309*x^7 - 424015067*x^6 + 845928448*x^5 - 1258456700*x^4 + 1348952000*x^3 - 981360000*x^2 + 432000000*x - 86400000
(x - 5) * (x - 4) * (x - 3) * (x - 2) * (x - 1)
def sturm(p, a, b):
d = p.degree()
q = [p, p.derivative()]
while len(q) <= d:
q.append( -(q[-2]%q[-1]) )
a_changes = 0
a_sign = sgn(q[0](a))
for i in range(1, d+1):
new_sign = sgn(q[i](a))
if a_sign*new_sign == -1:
a_changes += 1
if new_sign != 0:
a_sign = new_sign
b_changes = 0
b_sign = sgn(q[0](b))
for i in range(1, d+1):
new_sign = sgn(q[i](b))
if b_sign*new_sign == -1:
b_changes += 1
if new_sign != 0:
b_sign = new_sign
return a_changes - b_changes
R.<x> = PolynomialRing(QQ, 'x')
p = (x - 34)^2 * (x - 5) * (x - 3) * (x - 2) * (x - 2/3)
sturm(p, 1/2, 34)
Finding all roots¶
An isolating interval for a root of a polynomial is an interval that contains this root and no other roots. Here is an outline of how you could find all the real roots of a polynomial.
- Find a bounded interval containing all the real roots.
- Repeatedly bisect the intervals containing roots, using Sturm's theorem to determine which contain roots.
There are many other approaches.
Cauchy's root bound. If $r \in \mathbb C$ is a root of a polynomial $$p(x) = a_n x^n + a_{n-1} x^{n-1} + \ldots + a_0,$$ then $$|r| < 1 + \max \left\{|\frac{a_{n-1}}{a_n}|, |\frac{a_{n-2}}{a_{n}}|, \ldots, |\frac{a_1}{a_n}|, |\frac{a_0}{a_n}|\right\}.$$
PR = QQ[x]
p = PR(x^3-3*x^2-4*x+1)
x^3 - 3*x^2 - 4*x + 1
[1, -4, -3, 1]
def cauchy_root_bound(p):
coefs = p.coefficients()
n = p.degree()
return 1 + max(
[abs(coefs[i]/coefs[n]) for i in range(n)]
R = cauchy_root_bound(p)
sturm(p, -R, R)
def isolating_intervals(p, plot=False):
# Return a list of pairs (a,b) representing intervals (a,b]
# each containing exactly one root of the polynomial p.
R = cauchy_root_bound(p)
# Because Sturm's theorem checks for roots in (-R, R],
# we need to rule out -R being a root.
if p(-R)==0:
i = (-R-1, R)
i = (-R, R)
total_roots = sturm(p, *i)
if total_roots == 1:
# There is only one root, we've already isolated it.
isolating_intervals = [i,]
isolating_intervals = []
intervals = [i,]
while len(isolating_intervals) < total_roots:
old_intervals = intervals
intervals = []
for i in old_intervals:
a,b = i
for j in [(a, (a+b)/2), ((a+b)/2, b)]:
num_roots = sturm(p, *j)
if num_roots == 1:
elif num_roots > 1:
if plot:
from sage.plot.plot import plot as sage_plot
plt = sage_plot(p(x), (x, -R, R), figsize=4)
endpoints = set()
for a,b in isolating_intervals:
points = [(x, p(x)) for x in endpoints]
plt += point2d(points, color='red', size=20)
return isolating_intervals
isolating_intervals(p, plot=True)
[(-5, 0), (0, 5/2), (5/2, 5)]